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Old February 1st, 2020, 06:11 PM
Mike Shefler
Posts: n/a
Default [Dixonary] Round 3047 vote for oonfersell

Here are 11 definitions of OONFERSELL, one of which came from a real
Vote for your 2 favorites no later than noon EST, Monday, February 3.

1. a servant responsible for carrying a Highland chief across a ford,
stream, etc.

2. an open-sided shelter, similar to an adirondack, usually found along
the western coastal areas and estuaries of Scotland and used for
storing carts, boats, plows, and other implements for use in
subsistence farming and fishing. The name refers to the belief that
the open-sided design was sturdier in the coastal winds and means
literally, "strong-wind place".

3. a sailing vessel of Dutch inland waters, having a single mast and

4. [Yorks.] guesswork, foolish speculation.

5. [Afrik.] common or ordinary.

6. furry dust that gathers under beds.

7. [Yorks.] impersonal.

8. to enchant; bewitch.

9. a solitary person.

10. [Scot.] inactive, inert, not lively.

11. a member of what is now a taxonomic clade rather than a fish.

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