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Old October 5th, 2019, 08:41 AM
France International/Mike Shefler
Posts: n/a
Default Re: [Dixonary] CIMELIA definitions

My def is missing from the list. That said, I'll vote for 1 and 2.


On 10/5/2019 8:09 AM, Dave Cunningham wrote:

One of the dozen below is real. Vote for two (hopefully avoiding the real one) before Monday morning at 8 a.m. EDT (about 48 hours from now)

Â* 1 a light brown colorÂ*
Â* 2 treasures in storage
Â* 3 sadness; melancholy
Â* 4 spiritual torpor and apathy
Â* 5 a small but highly venomous jellyfishÂ*
Â* 6 a multi-colored yarn on a single skein
Â* 7 any group of zooplankton found primarily in surface waters
Â* 8 a soft organ flute stop, usually at 2' pitch, nut sometimes at 4' or 8' pitch
Â* 9 large genus of coarse gummy herbs of western North and Central America
Â*10 a cardiac insufficiency causing dark circles around the eyes, informally known as raccoon eyes
Â*11 [ME. but now only dialect] also KEMELYN; a tub usd for brewing, kneading, salting meat and other household purposes
Â*12 one of the azure transparent spheres conceived by the ancients to be enclosed one within another, and to carry the heavenly bodies in their revolutions

Dave (hoping I missed no one)

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