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Old October 30th, 2017, 08:56 AM
Judy Madnick
Posts: n/a
Default [Dixonary] Player list

Good morning from rainy Albany!

Guerri and I have been having a discussion about the contact list that Dodi (RIP) maintained. I would be willing to maintain that list but have some questions:

1. There was apparently also a list of all players that ever played the game. Is that something that we need? If so, Guerri shared such a list to which she added some people, but we're not sure if it's complete.

2. Regarding the contact list, was it submitted only to those who asked to have their email address and/or phone number included? For new players, the reason for the phone number is this: If a player can't get into the game and wonder if something is wrong (other than an issue with their personal service), he or she could call someone.

I don't recall the history of this "project," so all input is welcome. And if someone else prefers to maintain the player list, be my guest!


"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

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