View Full Version : [Dixonary] Round 2159 PADKOS Deadline for Defs One Hour Earlier!

Tim Lodge
November 24th, 2010, 04:09 AM
We've unexpectedly been called away to look after two of our
grandchildren, so I'm bringing the deadline forward by an hour so that
I can post the defs before we leave.

With about 7 hours to go, I've received defs of PADKOS from the
following players:

Johnny Barrs, Tim Bourne, Chris Carson, Dave Cunningham, Mike Shefler,
Nancy Shepherdson, and Guerri Stevens.

If your name isn't here, please send a def by email to
5sfwiyj02 (AT) sneakemail (DOT) com before the deadline of:

17:00 UTC on Wednesday 24th November
18:00 CET
12:00 Midday EST
09:00 AM PST
04:00 Melbourne time on Thursday

New players are welcome. Don't look up the word. Full rules, if
you're curious, are in the files section at http://tinyurl.com/dixonary-rules

-- Tim L