View Full Version : [Dixonary] Round 2001:ABATON Result

John Barrs
May 6th, 2009, 06:18 PM
I nearly made a D0 with "holy ground" but Russ crept in at the last minute
and spoiled that

Dan Widdis scored 7 and as he foresaw some hours ago is our next dealer.
The real winner is Paul Keating with 4 points

Take it away Dan:

1. a tone poem whose "rhyme" sequence is analogous to the A-B-A scheme of
written poetry
Voted for by Stevens, Widdis [From Dick Weltz who voted for 5 and 19] and
scores = 2

2. sacred place, shrine, [Gk. a-baton = no step]
Voted for by Heimerson [From Century Dictionary Online which cannot vote]
and scores a D1

3. a knife used in a slaughterhouse (Fr.)
Voted for by Schultz [From Dave Cunningham who voted for 6 and 14] and
scores = 1

4. _obs._ concrete
Voted for by Keating (not counted), Lodge, Carson, Emery, Abell [From Paul
Keating who voted for 4 and 16] and scores = 4

5. a stringed instrument from Hungary
Voted for by Weltz, Heimerson [From Tim Bourne who voted for 13 and 14] and
scores = 2

6. a sort of vest without pocket or trim
Voted for by Cunningham, Madnick, Schultz [From Toni Savage who voted for 14
and 15] and scores = 3

7. [Milit.] a disastrous defeat; a rout
Voted for by Shefler [From Tim Lodge who voted for 4 and 11] and scores [ =

8. A bowed string instrument of the 18th century, similar to the bass viol,
but having sympathetic strings on the rear of the fingerboard
Voted for by Shepherdson [From Chris Carson who voted for 4 and 14] and
scores = 1

9. a botanist specializing in poisonous plants
Voted for by nobody [From Guerri Stevens who voted for 1 and 14] and scores
= 0

10. an alkaloid poison secreted through the skin of certain toads
Voted for by Hart [From Mike Shefler who voted for 7 and 19] and scores = 1

11. a beaver's underwater cache of hewn limbs which provides sustenance
during winter
Voted for by Lodge, Widdis [From Nancy Shepherdson who voted for 8 and 15]
and scores = 2

12. small tropical bird with a ring of white feathers around the eyes
Voted for by nobody [From Judy Madnick who voted for 6 and 13] and scores =

13. a long, usually white garment worn by men in south Central Africa
Voted for by Bourne, Madnick [From Scott Crom who did not vote ] and scores
= 2

14. the wedge-shaped end of a bridge pier, designed to divide the current
and break up ice floes
Voted for by Cunningham, Bourne, Savage, Carson, Stevens, Emery, Hart [From
Dan Widdis who voted for 1 and 11] and scores = 7

15. a hydraulic device designed to slowly reduce pressure in a system where
the pressure has exceeded a set limit
Voted for by Savage, Shepherdson [From Chuck Emery who voted for 4 and 14]
and scores = 2

16. _Archit._ a pediment or lintel having an arboreal or floral relief
Voted for by Keating [From Dodi Schultz who voted for 3 and 6] and scores =

17. a slaughterhouse inspector
Voted for by nobody [From Tony Abell who voted for 4 and 18] and scores = 0

18. a group of recluses' cells
Voted for by Abell [From Russ Heimerson who voted for 2* and 5] and scores
[1 + *] = 3*

19. a soft-headed mallet
Voted for by Weltz, Shefler [From Jim Hart who voted for 10 and 14] and
scores = 2

JohnnyB (using DIXOBASE)