View Full Version : In Re: [DIXONARY] Old Words Die Hard...

Peter Creasey
September 25th, 2008, 05:29 PM
I've never figured out what all the Dixonary postings here are, but the following might of interest to the Dixonary folks...

Old words die hard at Collins dictionary...The introduction of 2,000 new words into the new edition has put some of the older ones under threat. Reluctant to let them die out altogether, the nitid wordsmiths at Collins have drawn up a list of 24 near-extinct words (including ?nitid?, which means bright or glistening), some of which can be saved if they receive sufficient public support:

Astergent - cleansing or scouring

Agrestic - rural, rustic, unpolished, uncouth

Apodeictic - unquestionably true by virtue of demonstration

Caducity - perishableness, senility

Calignosity - dimness, darkness

Compossible - possible in coexistence with something else

Embrangle - confuse or entangle

Exuviate - to shed (a skin or similar outer covering)

Fatidical - prophetic

Fusby - short, stout or squat

Griseous - streaked or mixed with grey

Malison - a curse

Manseutude - gentleness or kindness

Muliebrity - the condition of being a woman

Niddering - cowardly

Nitid - bright, glistening

Oppugnant - combative, antagonistic or contrary

Olid - foul-smelling

Periapt - combative, antagonistic or contrary

Recrement - waste matter, refuse dross

Roborant - tending to fortify or increase strength

Skirr - a whirring or grating sound as made by the wings of birds in flight

Vaticinate - to foretell, prophesy

Judy G. Russell
September 25th, 2008, 08:09 PM
Skirr? They can't delete skirr!