View Full Version : [Dixonary] Round 1703: new word NOWY

Paul Keating
April 19th, 2006, 04:42 PM
The first three responses on the word _mondegreen_ were DQs so it
doesn't look like it will fly. The new word for round 1703 is

* *
* N O W Y *
* *

Capitalization is not significant.

Please concoct a fake definition for this word that you think your
fellow players will find plausible, or entertaining, or both.

Newcomers to the game are always welcome: your task is to induce the
other players to vote for your fake definition rather than the real
one. You will find the full rules at
but they can be summarized thus:
1. Don't look the word up.
2. Make up a fake definition and email it to me.
3. Check back here after the deadline.

The deadline for submissions is on Friday 21 April 2006 at

03:00 PDT (in the morning)
04:00 MDT
05:00 CDT
06:00 EDT
11:00 BST
and noon CEST for me.

For this round only, you can send definitions to
round.1703 (AT) prodigycomputing (DOT) com. This is not a requirement: other
email addresses you have for me will also work (except my
compuserve.com address, now relinquished). To help my email program
deal appropriately with your email, please put "1703" or "NOWY" in the
subject line.