View Full Version : [Dixonary] Round 1694: MINIVER

Hugo Kornelis
March 17th, 2006, 03:51 AM
Hi all,

Barring DQ's or other objections, the word for round 1694 is:

* *
* M I N I V E R *
* *

Capitalization is not significant.

New players are welcome. Don't look in a dictionary. If you know the word, let me know soon, by email. If too many people know it, I'll pick another word. Don't forget that knowing the word doesn't preclude you from submitting a def, though it does preclude you from voting.

Think up a creative, intriguing, funny or genuine looking definition that will entice your fellow players to vote for it. Send it BY EMAIL (not as a public message) to me at hugo (AT) perFact (DOT) info, before the deadline of

23:00 CET on zaterdag 18 maart 2006,
22:00 UTC ,
17:00 EST , or
14:00 PST .

All times are expressed in ISO ("military") style so hours less than 12 mean AM.

Full rules, if you're curious, are in the files section of the Yahoo group.


Best, Hugo

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