View Full Version : [Dixonary] Round 2796: Results: INOSCULATE

—Keith Hale—
April 21st, 2017, 06:10 PM
The round went more smoothly than is my "usual" (unless i'm unaware of
something). With all counties heard from, it looks like the next deal
goes to: Tony Abell with natch 3 and in the rolly scores - 1 line
ahead of him is the real winnah: Chris Carson. Up next for mention
most honourific: Daniel Widdis and Efrem Mallach with sullied but
respectable 3s themownselves. The online dictionary ties with the
natch 3s for a D3.

Correct me if need be, friends! Away with round 2797, Tony!

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1> to blow or breathe air into or on.
submitted by: Chris Carson
who voted for:
scoring: 3
votes from: Guerri Stevens, Judy Madnick, Tim Bourne

2> To cause to shrivel, esp. with heat.
submitted by: Shani Naylor
who voted for: 3 + 7
scoring: 0 + 1 = 1
votes from: Judy Madnick,

3> _rare_ (of a person) unable to kiss; celibate.
submitted by: Dave Cunningham
who voted for: 10 + 12
scoring: 0 + 1 = 1
votes from: Shani Naylor,

4> come together or open into each other
submitted by: Vocabulary.com Dictionary
scoring: D3
votes from: Duncan Chapple, Daniel Widdis, Efrem Mallach

5> having an internal skeleton made mostly of cartilage, as certain
species of fish.
submitted by: Mike Shefler
who voted for:
scoring: 1
votes from: Duncan Chapple,

6> to break down into small pieces
submitted by: Judy Madnick
who voted for: 1 & 2
scoring: 0 + 1 = 1
votes from: Guerri Stevens,

7> to kiss - said only of a betrayer (eg. Judas in Gethsemane).
submitted by: Johnny Barrs
who voted for: Being (as is his wont) DQ
scoring: 1
votes from: Shani Naylor,

8> to hold fast to; to embrace or encircle.
submitted by: Daniel Widdis
who voted for: *4* + 11
scoring: *2* + 1 = *3
votes from: Nancy Shepherdson,

9> (Med.) unable to swallow food.
submitted by: Nancy Shepherdson
who voted for: 8 + 12
scoring: 0
votes from:

10> close but not touching.
submitted by: Tim Bourne
who voted for: 1 + 12
scoring: 0 + 2 = 2
votes from: Dave Cunningham, Efrem Mallach,

11> having never been kissed.
submitted by: Efrem Mallach
who voted for: *4* + 10
scoring: *2* + 1 = *3
votes from: Daniel Widdis,

12> not touching.
submitted by: Tony Abell
who voted for:
scoring: 3
votes from: Tim Bourne, Dave Cunningham, Nancy Shepherdson

Guerri Stevens: no def
who voted for: 1 & 6
scoring: 0

Duncan Chapple: no def
who voted for: *4* + 5
scoring: *2*

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