View Full Version : [Dixonary] ZAMBOORAK results

Dave Cunningham
September 13th, 2016, 07:48 AM
1. a rope hobble for a camel. [Bourne] *3 12 (Madnick) (Shefler)
(Carson) (Graham) 2 + 4 = 6 points

2. the lowest non-commissioned officer rank in the Czarist army,
corresponding to a corporal. [Mallach] 11 12 (Lodge) 1

3. a small cannon mounted on a swivel, crries on the back of a camel
[Chambers] John Cameron Swayze time (Madnick) (Bourne) (Shefler) (Widdis)
(Barrs) (Lodge) (Carson) (Graham) D8!!

4. A peak, ridge, or hill of bedrock that projects from a glacier's
surface [Carson] 1 *3 (Stevens) (Abell) 2+2 = 4

5. A moose turd pie. [Abell] 4 6 (Widdis) 1

6. A fabled piece of onyx, credited with magical properties. [Naylor] DQ
(Hale) (Abell) 2

7. a wish that comes true, or seems to. [Shepherdson] 8 9 (Stevens) 1

8. In India, the master, or steersman, of a boat or any native
river-craft. [Lodge] 2 *3 (Shepherdson) 2 + 1 = 3

9. in the voodoo religion, a spirit that brings nightmares. [Shefler] 1
*3 (Hale) (Shepherdson) 2 + 2 = 4

10. [Zulu] The clashing of spears on dried-hide shields before a mass
attack [Barrs] *3 12 2 + 0 = 2

11. a beverage produced by fermenting sweet tea with a culture of yeast
and bacteria. [Widdis] *3 5 (Mallach) 2 + 1 = 3

12. Diced red/orange carrots and potatoes sauteed with black mustard
leaves, garnished with ground black pepper powder and lemon juice.
[Madnick] 1 *3 (Bourne) (Barrs) (Mallach) 2 + 3 = 5

Stevens (def swallowed by AOL) 4 7 0 + 2dp = 2
Hale 6 9 nil
Graham 1 *3 2 + 0 = 2 points

I admit when I saw the word I was worried, but the image seems nicely
weird. Too nad Mr. Chambers is unavailable to deal, though.

Tim is the new dealer, with Judy the "winnah."

Dave (hoping this disaster is actually error-free)

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Judy Madnick
September 13th, 2016, 07:50 AM

Original message
From: "Dave Cunningham" <cunn5393 (AT) bellsouth (DOT) net>
To: dixonary (AT) googlegroups (DOT) com;
Dated: 9/13/2016 8:48:18 AM
Subject: [Dixonary] ZAMBOORAK results

1. a rope hobble for a camel. [Bourne] *3 12 (Madnick) (Shefler) (Carson) (Graham) 2 + 4 = 6 points

2. the lowest non-commissioned officer rank in the Czarist army, corresponding to a corporal. [Mallach] 11 12 (Lodge) 1

3. a small cannon mounted on a swivel, crries on the back of a camel [Chambers] John Cameron Swayze time (Madnick) (Bourne) (Shefler) (Widdis) (Barrs) (Lodge) (Carson) (Graham) D8!!

4. A peak, ridge, or hill of bedrock that projects from a glacier's surface [Carson] 1 *3 (Stevens) (Abell) 2+2 = 4

5. A moose turd pie. [Abell] 4 6 (Widdis) 1

6. A fabled piece of onyx, credited with magical properties. [Naylor] DQ (Hale) (Abell) 2

7. a wish that comes true, or seems to. [Shepherdson] 8 9 (Stevens) 1

8. In India, the master, or steersman, of a boat or any native river-craft. [Lodge] 2 *3 (Shepherdson) 2 + 1 = 3

9. in the voodoo religion, a spirit that brings nightmares. [Shefler] 1 *3 (Hale) (Shepherdson) 2 + 2 = 4

10. [Zulu] The clashing of spears on dried-hide shields before a mass attack [Barrs] *3 12 2 + 0 = 2

11. a beverage produced by fermenting sweet tea with a culture of yeast and bacteria. [Widdis] *3 5 (Mallach) 2 + 1 = 3

12. Diced red/orange carrots and potatoes sauteed with black mustard leaves, garnished with ground black pepper powder and lemon juice. [Madnick] 1 *3 (Bourne) (Barrs) (Mallach) 2 + 3 = 5

Stevens (def swallowed by AOL) 4 7 0 + 2dp = 2
Hale 6 9 nil
Graham 1 *3 2 + 0 = 2 points

I admit when I saw the word I was worried, but the image seems nicely weird. Too nad Mr. Chambers is unavailable to deal, though.

Tim is the new dealer, with Judy the "winnah."

Dave (hoping this disaster is actually error-free)

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