View Full Version : [Dixonary] Round 2603 (CROZE) update

Efrem Mallach
April 25th, 2015, 01:02 PM
As of about 2 pm U.S. Eastern Daylight Time, about halfway through the definition period with 17 hours to go, definitions have been received from players Barrs, Cunningham, Hale, Keating, Naylor, Shefler, Stevens, Weltz and Widdis - plus, of course, my trusty old paper (or hard-copy, for those into 21st century terminology) dictionary.

If you sent in a definition but your name isn't on the above list, please send it again - perhaps with a public note that you did so to ensure that it isn't missed. (Hasn't happened to me yet, but one never knows.)

If you haven't sent in a definition for CROZE yet, please do.


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