View Full Version : [Dixonary]: Round 2602 RESULTS: manavelins

—Keith Hale—
April 24th, 2015, 04:26 PM
Well, with 14 votes cast --- all of them falling into this one
"thread" in my e-mail (for the very first time!?) --- one future
dealer stands out with SIX natural points ~~~ ladies and gentlemen
please welcome to the stage Efrem Mallach!

In the blessed "Real Winnah" spot is Dave "FiveNatch" Cunningham!

And if all of my double-checking was correct, your lame-duck-deity
scores the Star-Wars-themed {r2}D2! My first d0 looked good for the
first 5 votes, but without checking the "Great Guesser" stats - i
think this round's correct voters (take a bow, Jim and Johnny!) are
very high up there indeed!

It has been an honour to deal (and at least get the real def into the
list!). Please let us all know if the calculations of my [sore]
eye[s] are incorrect.

Take it away, with my con«gratu»dolences - Efrem!

1> a troupe of auguste clowns.
submitted by: Dave Cunningham
who voted for: 4+7
scoring: 0+5=5
votes from: Mike Shefler, Daniel Widdis, Steve Graham, Dodi Schultz,
Christopher Carson

2> figures of men or women, used in classical architecture as
columns to support an entablature.
submitted by: Efrem Mallach
who voted for: 5+13
scoring: 0+6=6
votes from: Guerri Stevens, Johnny Barrs, Dick Weltz, Dodi Schultz,
Tony Abell, Christopher Carson

3> [Nautical Slang] miscellaneous pieces of gear and material.
submitted by: the good people at Dictionary.com
who voted for: Nixon\Palin (back in 1797!)
scoring: D2
votes from: Jim Hart, Johnny Barrs,

4> a mulled wine popular in medieval Europe. See also vin des Dieux.
[Cf. F. manne godsend + avaler to let down, drink up.]
submitted by: Daniel Widdis
who voted for: 1&9
scoring: 0+1=1
votes from: Dave Cunningham,

5> mythical swamp denizens
submitted by: Dick Weltz
who voted for: 2+6
scoring: 0+1=1
votes from: Efrem Mallach,

6> reddish-grey central Asian wild goats
submitted by: Judy Madnick
who voted for: 7&14
scoring: 0+1=1
votes from: Dick Weltz,

7> loose trousers.
submitted by: Christopher Carson
who voted for: 1+2
scoring: 0+4=4
votes from: Shani Naylor, Judy Madnick, Dave Cunningham, Tony Abell,

8> a parasitic disease of the lungs.
submitted by: Guerri Stevens
who voted for: 2&12
scoring: 0+0=0
votes from:

9> A form of slang incorporating Romany words, rhyming slang, cant
terms, and other elements of vocabulary, which originated in England
in the 18th and 19th centuries as a kind of secret language within
various groups, including sailors, vagrants, circus people,
entertainers, etc. Also, more generally: slang.
submitted by: Shani Naylor
who voted for: 7&14
scoring: 0+2=2
votes from: Daniel Widdis, Steve Graham

10> small scraps of food [Vict. slang]
submitted by: Johnny Barrs
who voted for: 2+*3*
scoring: *2*+1 = *3
votes from: Jim Hart,

11> [Obs. Med.] tuberculosis of the spine.
submitted by: Dodi Schultz
who voted for: 1+2
scoring: 0+1=1
votes from: Mike Shefler,

12> an irrational fear; nervous apprehension
submitted by: Jim Hart
who voted for: *3*+10
scoring: *2*+1 = *3
votes from: Guerri Stevens,

13> in Hindu mythology, mischievous sprites or demons responsible
for crop failures, droughts, etc.
submitted by: Mike Shefler
who voted for: 1&11
scoring: 0+1=1
votes from: Efrem Mallach,

14> trousers
submitted by: Tony Abell
who voted for: 2+7
scoring: 0+2=2
votes from: Shani Naylor, Judy Madnick,

no submission by: Steve Graham
who voted for: 1&9
scoring: 0

no submission by:
who voted for:
votes from:

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