View Full Version : [Dixonary] Round 2557: "MORPHEW" Results

—Keith Hale—
November 6th, 2014, 10:14 PM
Some sort of auto-correct or pasting gremlin had the wrong round
number on all these posts except the word announcement. I just caught
that. The round is 2557.

Here we go! With zero DQs reported, and a very fine voter turnout, we
are ready to call the race for Dealah and Real Winner for Tony Abell
and [Shani Naylor + Jim Hart]--- respectively! It all came down to
rolling scores, and Tony tops the other two none-too-natural *five*
scores. My D7 sees those fives and snarkily quips "Five, how
quaint!". [C;

Nicely played, everyone, let me know if my hand-counting missed anything!

1> a shoetree
submitted by: Guerri Stevens
who voted for: *5* & 19
scoring: *2* + 3 = *3*
votes from: Rose Knoblauch

2> ignis fatuus [NF. morfeu 'marsh fire']
submitted by: Paul Keating
who voted for: 3 & 11
scoring: 0 + 1 = 1
votes from: Mike Shefler

3> a plant in the family _Compositae_, formerly used medicinally.
submitted by: Tim Lodge
who voted for: 11 & 18
scoring: 0 + 3 = 3
votes from: Tim Bourne, Efrem Mallach, Paul Keating

4> a North Atlantic coastal shorebird
submitted by: Rose Knoblauch
who voted for: 1 & 18
scoring: 0 + 2 = 2
votes from: Millie Morgan, Dave Cunningham

5> a blemish or mark on the skin; blisters caused by scurvy
submitted by:wiktionary.org
votes from: Shani Naylor. John Barrs, Guerri Stevens, Dodi Schultz,
Christopher Carson, Jim Hart, Tony Abell
scoring: D7

6> seeming change of object position due to observer moving
submitted by: Judy Madnick
who voted for: 8 & 12
scoring: 0 + 0 = 0
votes from:

7> An Indonesian mole native to Sumatra
submitted by: Steve Graham
who voted for: 17 & 19
scoring: 0 + 0 = 0
votes from:

8> A poisonous alkaloid from hellebore.
submitted by: Efrem Mallach
who voted for: 3 & 11
scoring: 0 + 3 = 3
votes from: Tim Bourne, Judy Madnick, Dick Weltz

9> The small bowl used as a mark in the game of bowls.
submitted by: Daniel Widdis
who voted for: 15 & 19
scoring: 0 + 1 = 1
votes from: Mike Shefler

10> the carvings on the balusters of mediaeval wooden church porches
submitted by: John Barrs
who voted for: *5* & 12
scoring: *2* + 0 = *2*
votes from:

11> a hedgerow plant with small white flowers and edible black berries.
submitted by: Tim Bourne
who voted for: 3 & 8
scoring: 0 + 4 = 4
votes from: Tim Lodge, Efrem Mallach, Paul Keating, Jim Hart

12> a protrusion of sediment into a lava flow, formed by the
explosive transition of water into steam
submitted by: Millie Morgan
who voted for: 4 & 13
scoring: 0 + 3 = 3
votes from: Judy Madnick, John Barrs, Christopher Carson

13> _obscure_ a kneeler in a church placed directly before a communion rail.
submitted by: Dave Cunningham
who voted for: 4 & 17
scoring: 0 + 2 = 2
votes from: Millie Morgan, Dick Weltz

14> _Archaic_ To invoke evil upon; curse.
submitted by: Christopher Carson
who voted for: *5* & 12
scoring: *2*+ 0 = *2*
votes from:

15> The reflection of moonlight on water
submitted by: Shani Naylor
who voted for: *5* & 18
scoring: *2* + 3 = *5*
votes from: Daniel Widdis, Dodi Schultz, Tony Abell

16> any of several neotropical butterflies of Central and South
America of the genus _Morpho_.
submitted by: Mike Shefler
who voted for: 2 & 9
scoring: 0 + 0 = 0
votes from:

17> _Obs._ an embalming and perfuming agent.
submitted by: Dodi Schultz
who voted for: *5* & 15
scoring: *2* + 2 = *4*
votes from: Steve Graham, Dave Cunningham

18> [obs] sycamore
submitted by: Tony Abell
who voted for: *5* & 15
scoring: *2* + 3 = *5*
votes from: Tim Lodge, Shani Naylor, Rose Knoblauch

19> A turbulent and unpredictable windflow induced by rugged
topography and usu. marked by lenticular clouds.
submitted by: Jim Hart
who voted for: *5* & 11
scoring: *2* + 3 = *5*
votes from: Daniel Widdis, Steve Graham, Guerri Stevens

No submission: Dick Weltz
who voted for: 8 & 13
scoring: 0 + 0 = 0

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Jim Hart
November 6th, 2014, 10:34 PM
Tony may be regretting that last-minute vote but I'm grateful for it!
- Jim

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