View Full Version : [Dixonary] ADRET RESULTS

EnDash via Dixonary
June 8th, 2014, 08:41 AM
It was looking like a D0 right down to the wire -- until Dodi zoomed in
with a correct pick. Nevertheless, the unusual one-word definition by Tony
Abell attracted lots of votes and made him the winner and NEXT DEALER with 8
natural points.

My heartfelt thanks to all who inquired about my health problem that caused
a bit of a delay in playing this round, and to those who so kindly offered
to take over the dealership in progress.

1: a ventilation device, usually a small hole in the frame, to prevent
condensation in double glazing
Voted for by: Judy Madnick
FROM Tim Bourne who voted 9 and 15, and scores 1 + 0 = 1

2: a false epiphany; an emotional state mistaken for a spiritual event
Voted for by: Judy Madnick, Guerri Stevens
FROM Keith Hale who voted 5 and 9, and scores 2 + 0 = 2

3: a mountain slope so oriented as to receive considerable light and
warmth from the sun during the day - used chiefly of the Alps
Voted for by: Dodi Schultz
FROM AHD4 which can't vote, and scores D1

4: [Chiefly Scottish] 1. to point out the way; to direct or guide
Voted for by nobody
FROM Dan Widdis who voted 13 and 18, and scores 0 + 0 = 0

5: favoured [ Fr. _adroit_ from Lat. _dexter_ = to the right (note
contrast with _sinister_ = to the left)]
Voted for by: Keith Hale
FROM Johnny Barrs who voted 10 and 18, and scores 1 + 0 = 1

6: V-shaped trough for carrying bricks or mortar on the shoulders
Voted for by: Shani Naylor
FROM Judy Madnick who voted 1 and 2, and scores 1 + 0 = 1

7: a small gate or sluice which allows water to be released from a main
channel to irrigate fields
Voted for by: Tony Abell, Efrem Mallach
FROM Tim Lodge who voted 14 and 18, and scores 2 + 0 = 2

8: [zool] A juvenile chimango caracara (Milvago chimango)
Voted for by nobody
FROM Steve Graham who voted 14 and 16, and scores 0 + 0 = 0

9: in French newspapers (or others in which the French custom is
followed), a portion at the bottom of a page marked off by a rule, and
appropriated to light literature, criticism, etc.
Voted for by: Tim Bourne, Keith Hale, Paul Keating
FROM Millie Morgan who voted 13 and 18, and scores 3 + 0 = 3

10: the bridge of a stringed instrument
Voted for by: Johnny Barrs, Guerri Stevens
FROM Chris Carson who didn't vote, and scores 2 + 0 = 2

11: _opth._ indicating an irregular retina unable to have proper
focus with any lens
Voted for by: Shani Naylor, Glen Boswell
FROM Dave Cunningham who voted 13 and 18, and scores 2 + 0 = 2

12: a person of obscure origin who has gained wealth or position; an
Voted for by nobody
FROM Shani Naylor who voted 6 and 11, and scores 0 + 0 = 0

13: in case that; lest by chance
Voted for by: Dan Widdis, Millie Morgan, Dave Cunningham, Paul Keating,
Mike Shefler, Tony Abell, Jim Hart
FROM Paul Keating who voted 9 and (13), and scores 6 + 0 = 6

14: a young shelduck
Voted for by: Tim Lodge, Steve Graham, Efrem Mallach
FROM Mike Shefler who voted 13 and 18, and scores 3 + 0 = 3

15: a rustic shelter, often a lean-to
Voted for by: Tim Bourne, Glen Boswell
FROM Guerri Stevens who voted 2 and 10, and scores 2 + 0 = 2

16: a medium sized thimble
Voted for by: Steve Graham
FROM Glen Boswell who voted 11 and 15, and scores 1 + 0 = 1

17: having feelings of foreboding; fearful. _Southern U.S. dial._
Voted for by nobody
FROM Dodi Schultz who voted *3* and 18, and scores 0 + 2 = 2*

18: [obs] beside
Voted for by: Dan Widdis, Johnny Barrs, Tim Lodge, Millie Morgan, Dave
Cunningham, Mike Shefler, Dodi Schultz, Jim Hart
FROM Tony Abell who voted 7 and 13, and scores 8 + 0 = 8

No def
FROM Efrem Mallach who voted 7 and 14, and scores 1dp + 0 + 0 = 1

No def
FROM Jim Hart who voted 13 and 18, and scores 1dp + 0 + 0 = 1

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