View Full Version : [Dixonary] Rd 2438, New word = GHYLL

Nancy Shepherdson
September 5th, 2013, 03:45 AM
Hi all --

Should have known better than to submit a def that wasn't a pure killing.
And I could tell this was coming...I'm going out of town today. Last time
I actually did the deal, I was also heading out of town. Pure Dixon!

Anyway, the new word, for your defining pleasure, is:


Please send DQs as soon as possible. Assuming the word goes forward,
deadline for submitting your fascinating fake definitions is:

4 p.m. CDT on Friday September 6. That is, I believe, 9 p.m. GMT the same
day. Others elsewhere in the world can figure their own deadlines, please.

Looking forward to what you'll offer for ghyll. Found it while cheating at


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