View Full Version : [Dixonary] Round 2413 ::: SPISSITUDE progress

—Keith Hale—
June 9th, 2013, 04:52 AM
I am just now assembling defs at this time (4:50 AM Texas time) - and i do
them manually, so there is a little time left to send if you haven't! I
have defs for:
Graham, Morgan, Schultz, Barrs, Stevens, Cunningham, Shepherdson, Abell,
Madnick, Bourne, Carson, Boswell, Widdis, Mallach, Weltz, and Chuck _____
(can't find his last name at the moment).

As well as a very good Crown entry by Mr. Weltz.
So send right away as i format and triple check, if you care to! I plan to
post the defs for voting around 6AM my time, about an hour away.


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