View Full Version : [Dixonary] Round 2408 . SAPRIST results

Millie Morgan
May 23rd, 2013, 08:16 AM
The Dictionary won this round with 6 votes
but since it can't deal, that honour for Round 2409 goes to Dave Cunningham.
He and Tim Lodge tied with 5 unnatural points each, but as Dave is ahead on
the rolling scores, Tim is off the hook (for now).

Over to you Dave.
Best wishes



1: an altar assistant to the priest in Eastern Orthodox churches
Voted for by: Tim Bourne, Guerri Stevens, Dodi Schultz
FROM Dick Weltz who voted 5 and 17, and scores 3 + 0 = 3

2: One who plays the sapron, a Mongolian instrument made from the horn of
the yak
Voted for by nobody
FROM Steve Graham who voted 6 and 12, and scores 0 + 0 = 0

3: a person who believes in the efficacy of ear candling
Voted for by: Dan Widdis
FROM Chuck Emery who voted *7* and 8, and scores 1 + 2 = 3*

4: One who extracts the residuum of precious metals from the sweepings,
potsherds, etc., of refineries of gold and silver, or places where these
metals are used
Voted for by: Chris Carson, Keith Hale
FROM Dan Widdis who voted 3 and 8, and scores 2 + 0 = 2

5: [Geol.] old alluvial matter on the surface of land; coarse drift or
Voted for by: Judy Madnick, Mike Shefler, Dick Weltz
FROM Tim Lodge who voted *7* and 11, and scores 3 + 2 = 5*

6: descriptive of fossil traces of soft-bodied flagellates that fed on
decaying organisms [Gk. sapros = rotten + Lat pristinus = first]
Voted for by: Dave Cunningham, Steve Graham
FROM Johnny Barrs who voted *7* and 9, and scores 2 + 2 = 4*

7: A suborder of the soil order Histosol consisting of residues in which
plant structures have been largely obliterated by decay; saturated with
water most of the time
Voted for by: Judy Madnick, Dave Cunningham, Johnny Barrs, Chuck Emery, Tim
Lodge, Mike Shefler
FROM McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Term which can't
vote, and scores D6

8: A tea leaf reader
Voted for by: Chuck Emery, Guerri Stevens, Steve Dixon, Dan Widdis
FROM Tony Abell who voted 10 and 12, and scores 4 + 0 = 4

9: an itinerant friar offering a combination of herbal remedies and prayers
for healing
Voted for by: Johnny Barrs
FROM Tim Bourne who voted 1 and 10, and scores 1 + 0 = 1

10: wise man; sage; elder
Voted for by: Tim Bourne, Chris Carson, Tony Abell
FROM Steve Dixon who voted 8 and 17, and scores 3 + 0 = 3

11: one who never laughs
Voted for by: Tim Lodge
FROM Judy Madnick who voted 5 and *7*, and scores 1 + 2 = 3*

12: A person who practises self-flagellation
Voted for by: Steve Graham, Dodi Schultz, Tony Abell, Efrem Mallach
FROM Glen Boswell who voted 13 and 14, and scores 4 + 0 = 4

13: one who defuses explosive devices
Voted for by: Glen Boswell
FROM Dodi Schultz who voted 1 and 12, and scores 1 + 0 = 1

14: One given to frequent exclamations of surprise or astonishment
Voted for by: Glen Boswell
FROM Mike Shefler who voted 5 and *7*, and scores 1 + 2 = 3*

15: Cook responsible for jellies, preserves and aspics in the kitchen of a
stately home or palace
Voted for by nobody
FROM Efrem Mallach who voted 12 and 17, and scores 0 + 0 = 0

16: a person who is willing to act unethically or illegally in order to
obtain a desirable political outcome
Voted for by: Keith Hale
FROM Guerri Stevens who voted 1 and 8, and scores 1 + 0 = 1

17: [Hist.] a person opposed to Italian unification in 1870 (after
_Giovanni Saprizzi_ ); an anti-irredentist
Voted for by: Steve Dixon, Dick Weltz, Efrem Mallach
FROM Dave Cunningham who voted 6 and *7*, and scores 3 + 2 = 5*

18: One involved in a struggle or competition
Voted for by nobody
FROM Chris Carson who voted 4 and 10, and scores 0 + 0 = 0

No def
FROM Keith Hale who voted 4 and 16, and scores 0 + 0 = 0

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