View Full Version : [Dixonary] Round 2384, CORAPE: Voting update

Efrem Mallach
February 25th, 2013, 08:49 AM
With just over twelve hours to go, we have 14 votes for the 17 definitions. That number includes three votes from players who didn't submit definitions, so six of the definers haven't voted yet. You know who you are!

In case anyone besides Judy M. didn't get the list of definitions, here it is again:

1 to pawn.
2 a crown of woodland vegetation.
3 traditional socks worn by Albanian men.
4 yellow throated manakin [corapipo lutea].
5 a metal tip or mounting on a scabbard or sheath.
6 [Romansh] a sort of altar (lit. _heart place_).
7 [Sp.] a short cape which only covers the shoulders.
8 a breakfast casserole containing grits, cheese, scallions, and meat.
9 a large gall on a cactus caused by the egg-laying of the juringus moth.
10 a talismanic amulet worn by men of the El Molo tribe of Kenya when fishing.
11 a plant of the of the family Brassiciceae, cultivated for its oil-rich seed.
12 a hybrid of rape, grown as a crop to produce a higher yield of vegetable oil.
13 a variant of Claviceps fungi (ergot) that grows on barley in temperate regions.
14 a pharmaceutical diuretic, often prescribed with other drugs which control hypertension.
15 beads or carvings made of white coral flecked with pink, used to make jewelry and ornaments.
16 a brightly colored sash worn by the Mayan Indians of Guatemala during pre-Lenten festivities.
17 [Med.] a momentary interruption during a contraction of the cardiac muscle ("skipped heartbeat").
18 a traditional Polynesian method of celestial navigation which enabled long ocean voyages by canoe, esp. for migration or trade.


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