View Full Version : [Dixonary] UVID - Results (I hope!)

Judy Madnick
September 13th, 2012, 08:01 AM
If this worked out correctly, it will be a miracle. <sigh> I double-checked all votes, but I wouldn't want to bet my life that the results are accurate.

It was rather interesting to see what happens when you don't combine definitions, but it's a good thing I didn't because too many things went wrong during the voting process. I won't go into detail, but I think I will start by reinstalling Cory and learning to use the automated process...*after* we return home from vacation! If you see any errors...well, I hope someone can easily correct them. Meanwhile, it better be another six months or so before I deal again!

The winner of round 2336 appears to be John Barrs, whose definition "grape-shaped [Lat. _uva_ grape]." received 7 votes, plus 2 points for guessing the correct def.

Tony Abell takes coveted second place with 6 points. And there were 4 players in runner-up position with 4 points: Tim Bourne, Chuck Emery, Jim Hart and Toni Savage.

The true definition was 1: "moist; wet." (http://phrontistery.info/index.html), which 7 perceptive players guessed.

1. moist; wet. Votes from: Abell, Barrs, Emery, Hart, Schultz,
Shefler and Grieco Real definition from http://phrontistery.info/index.html
2. grape-like. Votes from: Bourne, Cunningham, Mallach and Morgan
Submitted by: Savage, who scores natural 4.
3. damp; fusty. Votes from: Barrs, Hart, Stevens and Grieco
Submitted by: Abell, who scores 4 + 2, total 6.
4. calm; tranquil. Vote from: Crom
Submitted by: Shefler, who scores 1 + 2, total 3.
5. easily intelligible. No votes
Submitted by: Carson.
6. having a single antler. Votes from: Carson, Hale, Stevens and Weltz
Submitted by: Bourne, who scores natural 4.
7. [Med.] inflamed and throbbing. Vote from: Weltz
Submitted by: Schultz, who scores 1 + 2, total 3.
8. of a joint: inflamed, enlarged. Vote from: Crom
Submitted by: Mallach, who scores natural 1.
9. grape-shaped [Lat. _uva_ grape]. Votes from: Abell, Bourne, Cunningham, Emery, Morgan,
Schultz and Widdis
Submitted by: Barrs, who scores 7 + 2, total 9.
10. having an unusual degree of transparency. Votes from: Hale and Shefler
Submitted by: Emery, who scores 2 + 2, total 4.
11. of, related to, or similar to, the _uvula_ (Med._). No votes
Submitted by: Cunningham.
12. the duration of the interval between a pulsar's emissions. No votes
Submitted by: Grieco, who scores 0 + 2, total 2.
13. a horseshoe-shaped bone in the neck that supports the
tongue muscles. No votes
Submitted by: Morgan.
14. (O. Eng. Law) an under officer of the forest who looked
after trespassers. Vote from: Savage
Submitted by: Widdis, who scores natural 1.
15. a particular case of a symplectic manifold with
localised non-degenerate quadric surfaces. Votes from: Graham and Savage
Submitted by: Hart, who scores 2 + 2, total 4.
16. a personality disorder in which the afflicted person
hums continually except when speaking. Vote from: Carson
Submitted by: Stevens, who scores natural 1.
17. pertaining to the vascular middle layer of the eye
constituting the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. No votes
Submitted by: Weltz.
18. a fable from ancient India involving action and
dialogue between men, animals and inanimate objects such as
trees, mountains and rivers. Votes from: Graham, Mallach and Widdis
Submitted by: Dixon, who was a DQ and scores a natural 2.

Player Def Voted for Votes Guess DP Total
------ --- --------- ----- ----- -- -----
Barrs 9 *1* & 3 7 2 9
Abell 3 *1* & 9 4 2 6
Savage 2 14 & 15 4 4
Bourne 6 2 & 9 4 4
Emery 10 *1* & 9 2 2 4
Hart 15 *1* & 3 2 2 4
Shefler 4 *1* & 10 1 2 3
Schultz 7 *1* & 9 1 2 3
Grieco 12 *1* & 3 0 2 2
Dixon 18 DQ 2 2
Widdis 14 9 & 18 1 1
Stevens 16 3 & 6 1 1
Mallach 8 2 & 18 1 1
Morgan 13 2 & 9 0 0
Weltz 17 6 & 7 0 0
Cunningham 11 2 & 9 0 0
Crom 4 & 8 0 0
Carson 5 6 & 16 0 0
Hale 6 & 10 0 0
Graham 15 & 18 0 0